This week I gave a talk during the HTML5 Developer conference in San Francisco. The conference was very interesting and I met many people doing cool things with SVG. You can view the slides of my presentation here. The gist of this presentation is: “If you create timeline-based animations and you structure them properly, using some of my tools (packager and JS player) you can stream SVG content on the Web just like a video, including live or adaptive streaming”. I’m still working on those tools but will be releasing them soon.
[slideshare id=27516554&doc=thegraphicalweb2013-131024003537-phpapp02]
Voici les slides de la présentation que j’ai donnée aujourd’hui lors de la réunion du GDR ISIS. Ces slides présentent les concepts du streaming vidéo sur HTTP et en particulier la norme MPEG-DASH.
[slideshare id=26732866&doc=dashgdr-isis-131001043222-phpapp01]
Here are the slides describing the demo I gave during the ACM MMSys 2013 conference, in Oslo, February 2013. It is an update of the demo I gave during the MPEG meeting in Shanghai, October 2012. Source code should be published soon in GPAC and if I can, I’ll set up a running live server (or, if not possible, I’ll put a video of the demo). Stay tuned.
[slideshare id=16861694&doc=mmsys-2013-demo-130301085551-phpapp01]
and the paper:
Dear followers,
Last week, while teaching a course on interactive multimedia applications at Klagenfurt University, Austria, I gave a talk about the upcoming SVG 2 standard and about my research work in this area. You can find below the slides of this presentation:
[slideshare id=15641011&doc=2012-klagenfurt-researchtalk-121214112913-phpapp02]
This post contains the presentation made at the MPEG meeting in Shanghai, China, in October 2012, related to the input contribution M26906. The presentation gives the details about the demonstration made during the meeting. This demonstration showed the use of the Google Chrome browser to display synchronized video and subtitles, using the Media Source Extension draft specification and the WebVTT subtitle format. The video and DASH content was prepared using GPAC MP4Box tool.
[slideshare id=15636451&doc=m26906-livestreamingofvideoandsubtitleswithdash-121214045244-phpapp01]
WebVTT is a new subtilting format that is becoming popular amongst browser implementors. Chrome (v23), Opera (v12.5), IE 10 already support it and soon Firefox will too. As opposed to previous formats for subtitles such as DVB subtitles or 3GPP Timed Text, it is being defined by the WHATWG/W3C primarily for the Web. However, the Web being almost ubiquitous, Web technologies now have to be usable in different delivery environment, not only in download and play mode. In particular, just like all the previous subtitle formats, WebVTT has to be also streamable, and for instance usable the context of Dynamic Streaming over HTTP (DASH). This post is about my experiments on this topic. For those who don’t want to read the whole post, in summary, it seems possible to generate WebVTT streams, with good random access properties, that can be delivered in chunks and be processed by standard browsers. Continue reading WebVTT streaming →
Yesterday, I gave a seminar on some of the challenges of the new HTTP streaming approaches. I attach here my slides:Journée Recherche TSI – Streaming. Comments are welcome.
For people interested in Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP and/or interested in Rich Media Technologies, the paper that we published in the Multimedia Systems Conference (MMSys’11) is now published. Continue reading Usages of DASH for Rich Media Services →
Groupe Multimédia / Multimedia Group