Tag Archives: HTTP Streaming

Soutenance d’Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches

C’est avec plaisir que je vous annonce que je présenterai mes travaux de recherche sur le thème de “Interactive Media Streaming” dans le cadre la soutenance pour obtenir l’Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches de l’Université Pierre et Marie Curie de Paris. Cette présentation se déroulera:

Mardi 25 octobre 2016 à 14:00
à Télécom ParisTech (46 rue Barrault, Paris 13e)
Amphithéâtre Rubis

Le jury sera composé de:

M. Vincent CHARVILLAT, Professeur, Université de Toulouse, Rapporteur
M. Dick BULTERMAN, Professeur, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Rapporteur
M. Carsten GRIWODZ, Professeur, Universitetet i Oslo, Rapporteur
M. Pierre SENS, Professeur, Université Paris 6, Examinateur
M. Gwendal SIMON, Maître de Conferences, HDR, Telecom Bretagne, Examinateur
M. Christian TIMMERER, Associate Professor, Universität Klagenfurt, Examinateur
M. Jean-Claude DUFOURD, Directeur d‘études, Telecom ParisTech, Examinateur

Si vous êtes intéressés pour assister à cette présentation, merci de me le signaler.

HTML 5 Media Source Extensions in SVG

In a previous post, I described a bit the support in GPAC for the HTML 5 video and audio elements in SVG documents. My initial idea was to be able to play, with the Media Source Extensions API, adaptive streaming content (such as DASH) in SVG. So I started implementing MSE and it is now possible to play DASH content within an SVG presentation using GPAC. This post details how it was implemented. Continue reading HTML 5 Media Source Extensions in SVG

Live streaming over HTTP of video and subtitles (cont’d)

Here are the slides describing the demo I gave during the ACM MMSys 2013 conference, in Oslo, February 2013. It is an update of the demo I gave during the MPEG meeting in Shanghai, October 2012. Source code should be published soon in GPAC and if I can, I’ll set up a running live server (or, if not possible, I’ll put a video of the demo). Stay tuned.

[slideshare id=16861694&doc=mmsys-2013-demo-130301085551-phpapp01]

and the paper:

[textimport http://biblio.telecom-paristech.fr/cgi-bin/ws/biblio.cgi?author=cyril+concolato&type=inproceedings&etat=published&lang=en&dept=tsi&year=2012-&id=13223]

Towards Hybrid IP-based and MPEG-2 TS non-IP-based synchronized delivery of media streams

Hi all,

With some delay, I’ve put the slides that we presented at MPEG in October 2012, on how to extend MPEG-2 TS and MPEG-DASH to support synchronized playback of streams coming from IP based networks and from MPEG-2 TS based (non-IP) networks. The contribution is here:

[textimport http://biblio.telecom-paristech.fr/cgi-bin/ws/biblio.cgi?author=cyril+concolato&type=standardisation&etat=submitted&lang=en&dept=tsi&year=2012&id=12905]

and the slides here:

[slideshare id=16005665&doc=m26903-hybriddeliveryts-130115093207-phpapp02]

Live streaming of video and subtitles using DASH

This post contains the presentation made at the MPEG meeting in Shanghai, China, in October 2012, related to the input contribution M26906. The presentation gives the details about the demonstration made during the meeting. This demonstration showed the use of the Google Chrome browser to display synchronized video and subtitles, using the Media Source Extension draft specification and the WebVTT subtitle format. The video and DASH content was prepared using GPAC MP4Box tool.

[slideshare id=15636451&doc=m26906-livestreamingofvideoandsubtitleswithdash-121214045244-phpapp01]

Publication at MMSys 2011

Recently, I have been playing with two technologies on which I’ve been working for a while: interactive content and multimedia delivery. The result is a publication at MMSys 2011, which will be presented in February 2011 (See the program for the conference here). The paper is about how to deliver interactive applications (written in HTML5 or MPEG-4 BIFS) using HTTP Streaming technologies such as MPEG DASH or 3GPP AHS.

[textimport http://biblio.telecom-paristech.fr/cgi-bin/ws/biblio.cgi?author=concolato&type=inproceedings&etat=toappear,published&lang=en&dept=tsi&year=2011]

Late news

Just for the record, in case you haven’t noticed. Our team organized two standardisation meetings this September:

We are working on both topics at the moment. We should have some demos soon.