SVG Comics

A long time ago (back in 2006), a student approached me to create comics for mobile phones. I suggested he used SVG Tiny 1.2 as this was a promising standard at that time in the mobile industry.

Recently, I came across his work on some old archive and I thought, since the student did not go further (I think, I lost track of him), it should be made available for people to get inspired by it. Continue reading SVG Comics

Live streaming over HTTP of video and subtitles (cont’d)

Here are the slides describing the demo I gave during the ACM MMSys 2013 conference, in Oslo, February 2013. It is an update of the demo I gave during the MPEG meeting in Shanghai, October 2012. Source code should be published soon in GPAC and if I can, I’ll set up a running live server (or, if not possible, I’ll put a video of the demo). Stay tuned.

[slideshare id=16861694&doc=mmsys-2013-demo-130301085551-phpapp01]

and the paper:
