A long time ago (back in 2006), a student approached me to create comics for mobile phones. I suggested he used SVG Tiny 1.2 as this was a promising standard at that time in the mobile industry.
Recently, I came across his work on some old archive and I thought, since the student did not go further (I think, I lost track of him), it should be made available for people to get inspired by it. Continue reading SVG Comics →
Here are the slides describing the demo I gave during the ACM MMSys 2013 conference, in Oslo, February 2013. It is an update of the demo I gave during the MPEG meeting in Shanghai, October 2012. Source code should be published soon in GPAC and if I can, I’ll set up a running live server (or, if not possible, I’ll put a video of the demo). Stay tuned.
[slideshare id=16861694&doc=mmsys-2013-demo-130301085551-phpapp01]
and the paper:
[textimport http://biblio.telecom-paristech.fr/cgi-bin/ws/biblio.cgi?author=cyril+concolato&type=inproceedings&etat=published&lang=en&dept=tsi&year=2012-&id=13223]
Groupe Multimédia / Multimedia Group