Tag Archives: interactive multimedia documents

Soutenance d’Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches

C’est avec plaisir que je vous annonce que je présenterai mes travaux de recherche sur le thème de “Interactive Media Streaming” dans le cadre la soutenance pour obtenir l’Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches de l’Université Pierre et Marie Curie de Paris. Cette présentation se déroulera:

Mardi 25 octobre 2016 à 14:00
à Télécom ParisTech (46 rue Barrault, Paris 13e)
Amphithéâtre Rubis

Le jury sera composé de:

M. Vincent CHARVILLAT, Professeur, Université de Toulouse, Rapporteur
M. Dick BULTERMAN, Professeur, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Rapporteur
M. Carsten GRIWODZ, Professeur, Universitetet i Oslo, Rapporteur
M. Pierre SENS, Professeur, Université Paris 6, Examinateur
M. Gwendal SIMON, Maître de Conferences, HDR, Telecom Bretagne, Examinateur
M. Christian TIMMERER, Associate Professor, Universität Klagenfurt, Examinateur
M. Jean-Claude DUFOURD, Directeur d‘études, Telecom ParisTech, Examinateur

Si vous êtes intéressés pour assister à cette présentation, merci de me le signaler.

HTML 5 media elements in SVG documents

As a follow-up of the work I did some time ago on the implementation of SVG Tiny 1.2 in GPAC (see this paper), and following the SVG WG decision to adopt the HTML 5 media elements in SVG 2.0, I decided to implement some support for these elements in GPAC, to better understand the differences between the old SVG Tiny 1.2 <video> element and the HTML 5 <video> element. As a result you can now run for example the following markup in GPAC:

     function init() {
       var v = document.getElementById("v");
       v.src = "video.mp4";

Continue reading HTML 5 media elements in SVG documents

SVG Comics

A long time ago (back in 2006), a student approached me to create comics for mobile phones. I suggested he used SVG Tiny 1.2 as this was a promising standard at that time in the mobile industry.

Recently, I came across his work on some old archive and I thought, since the student did not go further (I think, I lost track of him), it should be made available for people to get inspired by it. Continue reading SVG Comics

B. Pellan’s PhD thesis “Multimedia Scene Scalability”

It is a great pleasure to announce that the Ph.D. thesis of Benoit Pellan, that I supervised, is finally published and it is written in English. So don’t hesitate to download, read and comment it.


In this dissertation, we propose to apply the concept of media scalability, as defined in hierarchical coding, to multimedia scenes which are the choreographers that organize several media into a visual and interactive presentation over time. As a consequence, an initial scene is progressively enhanced by successive transformations, that we call adaptation updates, in order to generate an appealing presentation which is compatible with the user’s context. Our approach, called Scalable MSTI, is built on three scalability axes that separate the Media and the Spatial, Temporal and Interactive properties of a multimedia scene. Each of these axes is composed of scalability layers that enclose adaptation updates. These scalability layers are organized according to an order relation based on the adaptation parameters selected by the editor to cope with envisioned user’s contexts. The presentation alternatives that are described in a scalable scene can be represented as a graph where an adaptation decision corresponds to the selection of a way along an adaptation path. Multimedia scene scalability has been applied to the digital radio domain by enabling the progressive playback of multimedia services on receivers. Additionally, the adaptation capabilities of scalable services would allow multimedia enhancements on wide-screen receivers or would avoid disabling the screen of multimedia car-radios while driving because of security regulations banning the display of animations.

Communicating and Migratable Interactive Multimedia Documents

I’m pleased to announce that the work we have been doing for quite some time already on Interactive Multimedia Documents, on Widgets, on Home Networking, on MPEG-U is published in the Multimedia Tools and Applications journal.

[textimport http://biblio.telecom-paristech.fr/cgi-bin/ws/biblio.cgi?author=concolato&type=article&etat=published&lang=en&dept=tsi&year=2011]

If you have comment, please contact me, I’ll be happy to discuss with you.