As you probably know from my previous posts, MPEG is standardizing a way to deliver WebVTT files as streams (or tracks) in the ISO Base Media File Format (e.g. MP4 files). The standard is still at draft stage but I recently added VTT-in-MP4 support to GPAC (no playback support yet), as reported in the contribution below. Not that this support might change in the future depending on how the draft standard progresses, in particular in response to some comments we’ve made, as reported in the contribution referenced in this post. Continue reading WebVTT in MP4
Monthly Archives: April 2013
Delivery of Timeline for External Data in MPEG-2 Transport Stream
As a follow-up of the work on Multimedia Hybrid Delivery (see this post), Telecom ParisTech, together with TVN, EPFL, UPM and IETR/INSA, of the H2B2VS project, submitted the following contribution to the 104th MPEG meeting, which was held last week in Incheon, South Korea. Continue reading Delivery of Timeline for External Data in MPEG-2 Transport Stream
WebVTT Parsing Algorithm
HTML 5 media elements in SVG documents
As a follow-up of the work I did some time ago on the implementation of SVG Tiny 1.2 in GPAC (see this paper), and following the SVG WG decision to adopt the HTML 5 media elements in SVG 2.0, I decided to implement some support for these elements in GPAC, to better understand the differences between the old SVG Tiny 1.2 <video> element and the HTML 5 <video> element. As a result you can now run for example the following markup in GPAC:
function init() { var v = document.getElementById("v"); v.src = "video.mp4";; }
Presentation of GPAC Research Activities
Here are the slides I gave for the presentation of the research activities of the GPAC team of Telecom ParisTech during the plenary session of the “Réseau Thématique 4” of the Mines-Telecom Institute.
[slideshare id=18460316&doc=gpacimt-rt4-130409033821-phpapp01]