I’m pleased to announce that the work we have been doing for quite some time already on Interactive Multimedia Documents, on Widgets, on Home Networking, on MPEG-U is published in the Multimedia Tools and Applications journal.
[textimport http://biblio.telecom-paristech.fr/cgi-bin/ws/biblio.cgi?author=concolato&type=article&etat=published&lang=en&dept=tsi&year=2011]
If you have comment, please contact me, I’ll be happy to discuss with you.
Some people might be interested in trying out the latest version of the GPAC tools, but don’t have time to compile it from scratch. For those persons, I have generated an installer for Windows from the SVN (revision 2634). It contains the usual things (audio/video support, MPEG-4 Systems stuff (BIFS and LASeR)) but also our latest developments on MPEG-U Widgets and on MPEG-B DASH (Dynamic Adaptive HTTP Streaming).
I have finally had a bit of time to post on YouTube some old videos that we did to demonstrate the combined use of the W3C Widgets Packaging and Configuration specification and of the MPEG-U Widgets standard. These videos show: simple widget managment (with different GUI styles), communication between widgets and widget migration. Let me know if you have comments. Continue reading GPAC Widgets Video on YouTube →
Groupe Multimédia / Multimedia Group