
BiBtex file

HDR Report

C. Concolato, Interactive Media Streaming, UPMC, October 2016 [PDF].

PhD Thesis (in french)

C. Concolato, Descriptions de scènes multimédia : représentations et optimisations, École Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications, July 2007 [PDF].

Journal papers, Books and Book Chapters

C. Concolato, J. Le Feuvre, F. Denoual, F. Mazé, E. Nassor, N. Ouedraogo and J. Taquet, Adaptive Streaming of HEVC Tiled Videos using MPEG-DASH, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, March 2017 [DOI 10.1109/TCSVT.2017.2688491].

M. Sarkis, C. Concolato and J.-C. Dufourd, A Multi-screen Refactoring System For Video-centric Web Applications, Multimedia Tools and Applications, January 2017 [DOI 10.1007/s11042-017-4357-y].

P. Ilbery, L. Kendall, C. Concolato and M. McCosker, Biharmonic diffusion curve images from boundary elements, ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH Asia 2013), December 2013, vol. 32, n° 6, pp. 219:1-12 [PDF][DOI 10.1145/2508363.2508426].

Y. Lim, C. Concolato, J. Le Feuvre and K. Kim, in The MPEG Representation of Digital Media, Springer, 2012, chap. 10 : MPEG Multimedia Scene Representation, pp. 177-202 [PDF][DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-6184-6_10].

C. Concolato, J. C. Dufourd, J. Le Feuvre, K. Park and J. Song, Communicating and migratable interactive multimedia documents, Multimedia Tools and Applications, May 2011 [PDF][DOI 10.1007/s11042-011-0805-2].

S. De Bruyne, P. Hosten, C. Concolato, M. Asbach, J. De Cock, M. Unger, J. Le Feuvre and R. Van de Walle, Annotation based personalized adaptation and presentation of videos for mobile applications, Multimedia Tools and Applications, July 2010, vol. 50, pp. 1-25 [PDF][DOI 10.1007/s11042-010-0575-2].

B. Pellan and C. Concolato, Authoring of Scalable Multimedia Documents, Multimedia Tools and Applications, July 2009, vol. 43, n° 3, pp. 225-252 [PDF][DOI 10.1007/s11042-009-0268-x].

B. Reiterer, C. Concolato, J. Lachner, J. Le Feuvre, J. C. Moissinac, S. Lenzi, S. Chessa, E. Fernández Ferrá, J. González Menaya and H. Hellwagner, User-centric Universal Multimedia Access in Home Networks, The Visual Computer, July 2008, vol. 24, n° 7-9, pp. 837-845 [PDF][DOI 10.1007/s00371-008-0265-5].

C. Concolato, J. Le Feuvre and J. C. Moissinac, Design of an Efficient Scalable Vector Graphics Player for Constrained Devices, IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, May 2008, vol. 54, n° 2, pp. 895-903 [PDF][DOI 10.1109/TCE.2008.4560176].

J. C. Dufourd, O. Avaro and C. Concolato, An MPEG Standard for Rich Media Services, IEEE Multimedia, December 2005, vol. 12, n° 4, pp. 60-68 [PDF][DOI 10.1109/MMUL.2005.67].

B. Marusic, S. Dobraveca, P. De Cuetos and C. Concolato, TIRAMISU: A novel approachto content representation and key management for seamless super-distribution of protected media, Signal Processing: Image Communication, April 2005, vol. 20, n° 9-10, pp. 947-971 [PDF][DOI 10.1016/j.image.2005.04.004].

G. Di Cagno, C. Concolato and J. C. Dufourd, Multimedia adaptation in end-user terminals, Signal Processing: Image Communication, November 2004, vol. 21, n° 3, pp. 200-216 [PDF][DOI 10.1016/j.image.2005.09.005].

C. Concolato, J. C. Dufourd and J. C. Moissinac, Creating and encoding of cartoons using mpeg-4 bifs: methods and results, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology,, November 2003, vol. 13, n° 11, pp. 1129-1135 [PDF][DOI 10.1109/TCSVT.2003.817363].

Conference papers




O. Niamut, E. Thomas, D. Mico, C. Concolato, F. Denoual and S. Y. Lim, MPEG DASH SRD – Spatial Relationship Description, ACM MMSys, Klagenfurt, Austria, May 2016 [PDF] [DOI 10.1145/2910017.2910606].

J. Le Feuvre and C. Concolato, Tiled-based Adaptive Streaming using MPEG-DASH, ACM MMSys, Klagenfurt, Austria, May 2016 [PDF] [DOI 10.1145/2910017.2910641].

C. Concolato, MP4Box.js, a GPAC development (invited), FOSDEM, Brussels, Belgium, January 2016 [PDF].


J. Le Feuvre, C. Concolato, N. Bouzakaria and V. T. Nguyen, MPEG-DASH for Low Latency and Hybrid Streaming Services, ACM MM, Brisbane, Australia, October 2015 [PDF] [DOI 10.1145/2733373.2807977 ].

N. Bouzakaria, C. Concolato and J. Le Feuvre, Fast DASH Bootstrap, MMSP, Xiamen, China, October 2015 [PDF] [DOI 10.1109/MMSP.2015.7340868].

M. Sarkis, C. Concolato and J.-C. Dufourd, MSoS: A Multi-Screen-Oriented Web Page Segmentation Approach, DocEng 2015, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 2015 [PDF] [DOI 10.1145/2682571.2797090].

C. Concolato and E. Potetsianakis, Packaging web graphics and media for easier internet delivery, The Graphical Web, Pittsburg, USA, September 2015 [PDF].

C. Concolato, J. Le Feuvre and E. Potetsianakis, Synchronized Delivery of 3D Scenes with Audio and Video, Proceedings of the Twentieth International ACM Conference on 3D Web Technologies, June 2015 [PDF] [DOI 10.1145/2775292.2775324].

C. Concolato, ISOBMFF at DVB (invited), DVB Beyond TS, Munich, Germany, May 2015 [PDF].

C. Concolato and E. Potetsianakis, In-Browser XML Document Streaming, XML Prague 2015, Prague, Czech Republic, February 2015, pp. 197-205 [PDF].

R. Bouqueau and C. Concolato, Producing media content for the browsers using GPAC (invited), FOSDEM, Brussels, Belgium, January 2015 [PDF].


M. Sarkis, C. Concolato and J. C. Dufourd, The Virtual Splitter: Refactoring Web Applications for the Multiscreen Environment, ACM DocEng-2014, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA, September 2014, pp. 139-142 [PDF][DOI 10.1145/2644866.2644893].

N. Bouzakaria, C. Concolato and J. Le Feuvre, Overhead and Performance of Low Latency Live Streaming using MPEG-DASH, IISA QoE for Over-The-Top Multimedia Services, Chania, Greece, July 2014, pp. 92-97 [PDF][DOI 10.1109/IISA.2014.6878732 ].


A. Shafiei, C. Concolato and J. Le Feuvre, DashCast, A Live DASH Streaming Server, MMSP, Pula, Italia, October 2013 [PDF].

C. Concolato, Streaming SVG animations on the Web, The Graphical Web, San Francisco, USA, October 2013 [PDF].

C. Concolato and J. Le Feuvre, Live HTTP Streaming of Video and Subtitles within a Browser, ACM MMSys, Oslo, Norway, February 2013 [PDF][DOI 10.1145/2483977.2483997 ].

S. Lederer, Ch. Mueller, Ch. Timmerer, C. Concolato, J. Le Feuvre and K. Fliegel, Distributed DASH Dataset, ACM MMSys, Oslo, Norway, February 2013 [PDF][DOI 10.1145/2483977.2483994].


J. Le Feuvre and C. Concolato, GPAC, toolbox for interactive multimedia packaging, delivery and playback, ACM SIGMultimedia Records, December 2012, vol. 4, n° 4, pp. 2-5 [DOI 10.1145/2458051.2458053].

C. Concolato, S. Thomas, R. Bouqueau and J. Le Feuvre, Synchronized delivery of multimedia content over uncoordinated broadcast broadband networks, MMSys, Chapel Hill, NC, USA, February 2012, vol. Proceedings of the 3rd Multimedia Systems Conference, pp. 227-232 [PDF][DOI 10.1145/2155555.2155590].


J. Le Feuvre, C. Concolato, J. C. Dufourd, R. Bouqueau and J.-C. Moissinac, Experimenting with Multimedia Advances using GPAC, ACM Multimedia, Scottsdale, USA, November 2011 [PDF][DOI 10.1145/2072298.2072427].

M. Gowing, Ph. Kell, N. E. O’Connor, E. Izquierdo, V. Kitanovski, X. Lin, Q. Zhang, C. Concolato, S. Essid, J. Le Feuvre and R. Tournemenne, Enhanced Visualisation of Dance Performance from Automatically Synchronised Multimodal Recordings, ACM Multimedia, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA, November 2011 [PDF][DOI 10.1145/2072298.2072414 ].

J. C. Dufourd, S. Thomas and C. Concolato, Recording and Delivery of HbbTV Applications, EuroITV, Lisbonne, Portugal, June 2011, pp. 51-54 [PDF][DOI 10.1145/2000119.2000129].

C. Concolato, J. Le Feuvre and R. Bouqueau, Usages of DASH for Rich Media Services, Multimedia Systems Conference, San Jose, USA, February 2011 [PDF][DOI 10.1145/1943552.1943587].


C. Concolato, Adaptive Video and Metadata Display using Multimedia Documents, International Workshop on Social, Adaptive and Personalized Multimedia Interaction and Access, Florence, Italy, October 2010 [PDF][DOI 10.1145/1878061.1878074].

C. Concolato and J.-C. Moissinac, A Model for the Delivery of Interactive Applications over Broadcast Channels, Workshop on Mobile Video Delivery (Movid 2010), Florence, Italy, October 2010 [PDF][DOI 10.1145/1878022.1878026 ].

C. Concolato and J. Sillan, SVG Electronic Program Guides, SVG Open 2010, Paris, France, September 2010.

J.-C. Moissinac, C. Concolato and J. Le Feuvre, SuperPath: a necessary primitive for vector graphics formats, MMEDIA 2010, Athen, Grèce, June 2010 [DOI 10.1109/MMEDIA.2010.39].

A. Lorenz, M. Jentsch, C. Concolato and E. Rukzio, A Formative Analysis of Mobile Devices and Gestures to Control a Multimedia Application from the Distance, MELECON, Malte, April 2010, pp. 796 – 801 [PDF][DOI 10.1109/MELCON.2010.5475964 ].


B. Reiterer, C. Concolato and H. Hellwagner, Natural-Language-based Conversion of Images to Mobile Multimedia Experiences, International Conference on User Centric Media, Venezia, Italy, December 2009, vol. 40, pp. 87-90 [PDF][DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-12630-7_10].

J. C. Dufourd, C. Concolato and J. Le Feuvre, SVG Communicating Widgets, SVG Open, Mountain View, CA, USA, October 2009 [PDF].

S. De Bruyne, J. De Cock, R. Van de Walle, P. Hosten, M. Asbach, M. Wien and C. Concolato, Personalized adaptation and presentation of annotated videos for mobile applications, 5th international ICST Mobile Multimedia Communications Conference, London, United Kingdom, September 2009 [PDF][DOI 10.4108/ICST.MOBIMEDIA2009.7580].

C. Concolato, J. Le Feuvre and J. C. Dufourd, Declarative Interfaces for Dynamic Widgets Communications, Document Engineering, Munich, Germany, September 2009, pp. 241-244 [PDF][DOI 10.1145/1600193.1600245].

J. Le Feuvre, C. Concolato and J. C. Dufourd, Widgets Mobility, International Conference on Mobile Technology, Applications and Systems, Nice, France, September 2009 [PDF][DOI 10.1145/1710035.1710060].

C. Concolato, Generation, Streaming and Presentation of Declarative EPG, EuroiTV, Leuven, Belgium, June 2009 [PDF].

B. Pellan and C. Concolato, Summarization of Scalable Multimedia Documents, Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services, Londres, Angleterre, May 2009, pp. 304-307 [PDF][DOI 10.1109/WIAMIS.2009.5031493].

C. Concolato, J. Le Feuvre and K. Park, An MPEG-based Widget System for CE and mobile devices, ICCE, Las Vegas, Etats-Unis, January 2009, pp. 1-2 [PDF][DOI 10.1109/ICCE.2009.5012250].


B. Pellan and C. Concolato, Adaptation of Scalable Multimedia Documents, ACM Symposium on Document Engineering, São Paulo, Brazil, September 2008, pp. 32-41 [PDF][DOI 10.1145/1410140.1410148].

C. Concolato and J. Le Feuvre, Playback of Mixed Multimedia Document, ACM Symposium on Document Engineering, São Paulo, Brazil, September 2008, pp. 219-220 [PDF][DOI 10.1145/1410140.1410185].

B. Pellan and C. Concolato, Scalable Multimedia Documents for Digital Radio, ACM Symposium on Document Engineering, São Paulo, Brazil, September 2008, pp. 221-222 [PDF][DOI 10.1145/1410140.1410186].

B. Pellan and C. Concolato, Spatial Scene Adaptation in Broadcast Environment, IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, Hannovre, Allemagne, June 2008, pp. 389-392 [PDF][DOI 10.1109/ICME.2008.4607453].

B. Reiterer, C. Concolato, J. Lachner, J. Le Feuvre, J. C. Moissinac, S. Lenzi, S. Chessa, E. Fernández Ferrá, J. González Menaya and H. Hellwagner, User-centric Universal Multimedia Access in Home Networks, Computer Graphics International, Istanbul, Turquie, June 2008.


C. Concolato, J. Le Feuvre and J. C. Moissinac, Comparaison des méthodes de transport de séquences de graphiques animés, COmpression et REprésentation des Signaux Audiovisuels, Montpellier, France, November 2007 [PDF].

J. Le Feuvre, C. Concolato and J. C. Moissinac, GPAC, Open Source Multimedia Framework, ACM Multimedia, Augsburg, Allemagne, September 2007, pp. 1009 – 1012 [PDF][DOI 10.1145/1291233.1291452].

C. Concolato, J. Le Feuvre and J. C. Moissinac, Timed-fragmentation of SVG documents to control the playback memory usage, ACM Symposium on Document Engineering, Winnipeg, Canada, August 2007, pp. 121-124 [PDF][DOI 10.1145/1284420.1284453].

B. Pellan and C. Concolato, Media-Driven Dynamic Scene Adaptation, 8th International Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services, Thira, Santorini, Greece, June 2007, pp. 67-70 [PDF][DOI 10.1109/WIAMIS.2007.56].

M. Ransburg, H. Hellwagner, B. Pellan, C. Concolato, R. Cazoulat, S. De Zutter, C. Poppe, R. Van De Walle and A. Hutter, Dynamic and Distributed Adaptation of Scalable Multimedia Content in a Context-Aware Environment, European Symposium on Mobile Media Delivery, Alghero, Sardinia, Italy, September 2006 [PDF].

P. Gioia, K. Kamyab, I. Wolf, G. Panis, A. Difino, M. Kimiaei, T. Digiacomo, A. Cotarmanac’H, P. Goulev, A. Graffunder, A. Hutter, B. Negro, C. Concolato, C. Joslin, E. Mamdani, J. C. Dufourd and N. Thalmann, ISIS: intelligent scalability for interoperable services, 1st european Conference on Visual Media Production, Londres, Angleterre, March 2004, pp. 295-304 [PDF].

C. Concolato and J. C. Dufourd, Adaptation de contenu MPEG-4 BIFS suivant la norme MPEG-21, Conférence nationale Mcube MultiMédia Mobile, Montbéliard, France, March 2004 [PDF].

C. Concolato, J. C. Dufourd and J. C. Moissinac, Representing 2D Cartoons using SVG, SMIL Europe 2003, Paris (France), January 2003 [PDF].

C. Concolato and J. C. Dufourd, Comparison of MPEG-4 BIFS and some other multimedia description languages, Workshop and Exhibition on MPEG-4, San Jose, Californie, USA, June 2002 [PDF].

J. C. Moissinac, C. Concolato and J. C. Dufourd, Codage MPEG-4 de dessins animés, Journées Coresa, 12-13 novembre 2001, Dijon, November 2001 [PDF].

F. Bouilhaguet, C. Concolato, S. Boughoufalah and J. C. Dufourd, Adding delivery support to MPEG-Pro, an authoring system for MPEG-4, Workshop and Exhibition on MPEG-4, San Jose, Californie, USA, June 2001, pp. 13-16 [PDF][DOI 10.1109/MPEG.2001.996436].

Approved Standard Documents

C. Concolato and M. Dolan, White Paper on Carriage of Timed Text and Other Visual Overlays in MP4 files, MPEG, Sapporo, Japan, July 2014, n° N14728.

C. Concolato, J. Le Feuvre, F. Denoual, F. Mazé and E. Nassor, Technology under Considerations on ordered combination of separate track, MPEG, Vienna, Austria, August 2013, n° N13668.

D. Singer, C. Concolato and M. Dolan, Study of ISO/IEC DIS 14496-30 Timed Text and Other Visual Overlays in ISO Base Media File Format, MPEG, Incheon, South Korea, April 2013, n° N13483.

D. Singer, M. Dolan and C. Concolato, Text of ISO/IEC DIS 14496-30 Timed Text and Other Visual Overlays in ISO Base Media File Format, MPEG, Geneva, Switzerland, January 2013, n° N13267.

J. Le Feuvre and C. Concolato, Text of ISO/IEC 14496-11:2012 – MPEG-4 Scene Description Second Edition, MPEG, Shanghai, October 2012, n° N13031.

J. Le Feuvre and C. Concolato, Study of ISO/IEC 13818-1:2007/PDAM 8 Extensions for simplified carriage of MPEG-4 over MPEG-2, MPEG, Turin, July 2011, n° N12116.

L. Seong Yong, C. Concolato and K. Park, Study Text of ISO/IEC CD 23007-2 Advanced User Interaction interface , MPEG, Geneva, Switzerland, March 2011, n° N11943.

C. Concolato, One pager on BIFS for digital radio, MPEG, Geneva, Switzerland, March 2011, n° N11958.

J. Le Feuvre, C. Concolato and J. C. Dufourd, Text of ISO/IEC 23007-3: Conformance and Reference Software, MPEG, DAEGU, Korea, January 2011, n° N11767.

J. C. Dufourd, C. Concolato, J. Le Feuvre, K. Park and J. Song, Study of FCD of 23007-3, MPEG, Guangzhou, October 2010, n° M18438.

J. Cha and C. Concolato, WD 2.0 of ISO/IEC 23007-2 Advanced User Interaction Interface, MPEG, Geneva, Switzerland, July 2010, n° N11415.

C. Concolato, G. Cordara and K. Park, Text of ISO/IEC FDIS 23007-1 (MPEG-U), MPEG, Dresden, Germany, April 2010, n° N11256.

C. Concolato, G. Cordara and K. Park, Study Text of ISO/IEC FCD 23007-1 Widgets, MPEG, Kyoto, Japan, January 2010, n° N11172.

J. Cha and C. Concolato, WD 1.0 of ISO/IEC 23007-2 Advanced User Interaction Interface, MPEG, Kyoto, Japan, January 2010, n° N11174.

C. Concolato, G. Cordara and K. Park, Text of ISO/IEC FCD 23007-1 Widgets, MPEG, Xian, China, November 2009, n° N10977.

C. Concolato, G. Cordara and K. Park, White paper on MPEG Rich Media Widgets, MPEG, Xian, China, October 2009, n° N10978.

C. Concolato, WD of ISO/IEC 23007-3 Conformance and Reference Software, MPEG, Xian, China, October 2009, n° N10980.

J. Cha and C. Concolato, Ideas on Advanced User Interaction Interface in MPEG-U, MPEG, Xian, China, October 2009, n° N10979.

C. Concolato, Text of 4th Edition of ISO/IEC 14496-1, MPEG, Xian, China, October 2009, n° N10943.

C. Concolato, Request for New Project (MPEG-U), MPEG, London, United Kingdom, July 2009, n° N10814.

C. Concolato, Text of ISO/IEC CD 14496-1 4th Edition, MPEG, London, United Kingdom, July 2009, n° N10748.

C. Concolato, K. Park and G. Cordara, Text of ISO/IEC CD 23007-1 Widgets, MPEG, London, United Kingdom, July 2009, n° N10815.

C. Concolato, WD of ISO/IEC 23007-2 Conformance and Reference Software, MPEG, London, United Kingdom, July 2009, n° N10816.

C. Concolato and J. Le Feuvre, WD 1.0 of MPEG-U, MPEG, Maui, USA, April 2009, n° N10626.

C. Concolato, MPEG-4 Part 1 Fourth Edition, MPEG, Maui, USA, April 2009, n° N10574.

C. Concolato, Requirements v3 for a new BIFS profile to support Interactive Digital Radio, MPEG, Maui, USA, April 2009, n° N10567.

C. Concolato, Call for Proposal on additional BIFS technologies for Interactive Services for Digital Radio, MPEG, Maui, USA, April 2009, n° N10568.

C. Concolato, Clarification on usages of ISO/IEC 14496-20 by other standardization bodies, MPEG, Lausanne, Suisse, February 2009, n° N10449.

C. Concolato, J. Le Feuvre and B. Pellan, Requirements v2 for a new BIFS profile to support Interactive Digital Radio, MPEG, Lausanne, Suisse, February 2009, n° N10503.

C. Concolato, J. Le Feuvre and B. Pellan, WD 1.0 of Amd7 of BIFS for Interactive Digital Radio Services, MPEG, Lausanne, Suisse, February 2009, n° N10439.

C. Concolato, B. Pellan and M. Brelot, Requirements for a new BIFS profile to support Interactive Digital Radio, MPEG, Busan, Korea, October 2008, n° N10228.

C. Concolato, K. Park and G. Cordara, Rich Media UI Framework Requirements, MPEG, Busan, Korea, October 2008, n° N10231.

C. Concolato, K. Park and G. Cordara, Call for Proposal on Rich Media UI Framework, MPEG, Busan, Korea, October 2008, n° N10232.

C. Concolato, K. Park and G. Cordara, Context and Objectives of Rich Media UI Framework v2.0, MPEG, Busan, Korea, October 2008, n° N10296.

C. Concolato, K. Park and G. Cordara, Context and Objectives of Rich Media UI Framework v1.0, MPEG, Hannovre, Allemagne, July 2008, n° N10085.

C. Concolato, B. Pellan and M. Brelot, Requirements on technologies to support Interactive Digital Radio, MPEG, Hannovre, Allemagne, July 2008, n° N10086.

C. Concolato and K. Park, Exploration on MPEG User Interface Framework, MPEG, Archamps, France, May 2008, n° N9895.

C. Concolato, Text of 14496-20:DCOR (Editor’s Input), MPEG, Klagenfurt, Austria, July 2006, n° M13729.

V. Levantovsky and C. Concolato, Clarifications on font subsets in font data streams, MPEG, Klagenfurt, Austria, July 2006, n° M13495.

C. Concolato, MPEG-4 LASeR white paper, MPEG, Poznan, Poland, July 2005, n° N7507.

C. Concolato, J. C. Dufourd, O. Avaro and Ch. Timmerer, Workplan for Core Experiment on open issues regarding the LASeR specification, MPEG, Hong-Kong, China, January 2005, n° N6967.

E. Spiegel, Y. Elichai, S. Birman, C. Concolato and A. Cotarmanac’h, Report on Synthesized Texture Coding and Animation CE, MPEG, Trondheim, Norway, July 2003, n° M9750 [PDF].

Contributions to Standardization




J. Le Feuvre, C. Concolato, F. Denoual and F. Mazé, On Default Sample Group Description in fragments, MPEG, Chengdu, China, October 2016, n° M39252 [PDF].

J. Le Feuvre, C. Concolato, F. Denoual and F. Mazé, Input to LHEVCFF Conformance, MPEG, Chengdu, China, October 2016, n° M39253 [PDF].

C. Concolato, J. Le Feuvre, F. Denoual and F. Mazé, Input to IFF Conformance, MPEG, Chengdu, China, October 2016, n° M39254 [PDF].

F. Mazé, F. Denoual, C. Concolato, J. Le Feuvre, N. Ouedraogo and J. Taquet, Quality adaptation for tile based streaming in DASH, MPEG, Chengdu, China, October 2016, n° M39255 [PDF].

J. Le Feuvre, C. Concolato, F. Denoual and F. Mazé, HEVC and L-HEVC Tile Brands, MPEG, Chengdu, China, October 2016, n° M39256 [PDF].

C. Concolato and J. Le Feuvre, Clarifications on ISOBMFF Subsample, MPEG, Chengdu, China, October 2016, n° M39257 [PDF].

C. Concolato and J. Le Feuvre, On Initial TFDT value, MPEG, Chengdu, China, October 2016, n° M39258 [PDF].

C. Concolato and J. Le Feuvre, On SyncSampleBox and movie fragments, MPEG, Chengdu, China, October 2016, n° M39259 [PDF].

C. Concolato, N. Derouineau, J.-C. Dufourd and J. Le Feuvre, Comments on MMT specification, MPEG, Chengdu, China, October 2016, n° M39263 [PDF].

C. Concolato and J. Le Feuvre, Clarifications on ProducerReferenceTimeBox, MPEG, Chengdu, China, October 2016, n° M39375 [PDF].

C. Concolato and J. Le Feuvre, ISOBMFF and IFF possible corrections, MPEG, Chengdu, China, October 2016, n° M39427 [PDF].

C. Bergeron, W. Hamidouche, J. Le Feuvre and C. Concolato, Additional box in ISOBMFF for selective encryption for Visual Identity Privacy Management, MPEG, Chengdu, China, October 2016, n° M39152 [PDF].

C. Bergeron, W. Hamidouche, J. Le Feuvre and C. Concolato, proposition of new scheme in Common Encryption, MPEG, Chengdu, China, October 2016, n° M39153 [PDF].

F. Denoual, F. Mazé, J. Le Feuvre and C. Concolato, Comments on tiles tracks and descriptors in LHEVCFF, MPEG, Geneva, Switzerland, May 2016, n° M38642 [PDF].

J. Le Feuvre, C. Concolato, F. Denoual and F. Mazé, Defect report on ISOBMFF, MPEG, Geneva, Switzerland, May 2016, n° M38643 [PDF].

J. Le Feuvre, C. Concolato, F. Denoual and F. Mazé, Describing Tile Regions in ISOBMFF, MPEG, Geneva, Switzerland, May 2016, n° M38644 [PDF].

J. Le Feuvre, C. Concolato, F. Denoual and F. Mazé, Merging trif and tsif sample group descriptions, MPEG, Geneva, Switzerland, May 2016, n° M38645 [PDF].

J. Le Feuvre, C. Concolato, F. Denoual and F. Mazé, On base tile track code points, MPEG, Geneva, Switzerland, May 2016, n° M38646 [PDF].

J. Le Feuvre, C. Concolato, F. Denoual and F. Mazé, On implicit reconstruction and extractors, MPEG, Geneva, Switzerland, May 2016, n° M38647 [PDF].

J. Le Feuvre, C. Concolato, F. Denoual and F. Mazé, Usage of HEVC Tile Tracks in MPEG-DASH, MPEG, Geneva, Switzerland, May 2016, n° M38648 [PDF].

C. Concolato, J. Le Feuvre and N. Bouzakaria, Data URLs in MPD, MPEG, Geneva, Switzerland, May 2016, n° M38649 [PDF].

C. Concolato, J. Le Feuvre and R. Bouqueau, Comments on CMAF WD, MPEG, Paris, France, April 2016, n° M38231 [PDF].

C. Concolato, A proposal for the development of CMAF documents, MPEG, Paris, France, April 2016, n° M38230 [PDF].


C. Concolato and J. Le Feuvre, MIME type for subtitle-only files, MPEG, Geneva, Switzerland, October 2015, n° M37257 [PDF].

F. Denoual, H. Ruellan, Y. Fablet, F. Mazé, C. Concolato and J. Le Feuvre, Editorial Comments on FDH working draft, MPEG, Geneva, Switzerland, October 2015, n° M37248 [PDF].

C. Concolato, J. Le Feuvre, F. Denoual, F. Mazé and E. Nassor, Image File Format – Proposal for Conformance, MPEG, Geneva, Switzerland, October 2015, n° M37249 [PDF].

F. Denoual, F. Mazé, C. Concolato and J. Le Feuvre, Image File Format – Example and White paper update, MPEG, Geneva, Switzerland, October 2015, n° M37250 [PDF].

J. Le Feuvre, C. Concolato, F. Denoual, F. Mazé and E. Nassor, Editorial comments on LHEVC File Format, MPEG, Geneva, Switzerland, October 2015, n° M37251 [PDF].

J. Le Feuvre, C. Concolato, F. Denoual, F. Mazé and E. Nassor, Comments on extractors usage in 14496-15, MPEG, Geneva, Switzerland, October 2015, n° M37252 [PDF].

J. Le Feuvre, C. Concolato, F. Denoual, F. Mazé and E. Nassor, Comments on LHEVCFF Tracks Layering, MPEG, Geneva, Switzerland, October 2015, n° M37253 [PDF].

C. Concolato, J. Le Feuvre and N. Bouzakaria, Guidelines for DASH Fast Start, MPEG, Geneva, Switzerland, October 2015, n° M37254 [PDF].

C. Concolato, J. Le Feuvre and N. Bouzakaria, Use of HTTP/2 Push for DASH bootstrap, MPEG, Geneva, Switzerland, October 2015, n° M37255 [PDF].

C. Concolato and J. Le Feuvre, Demonstration of MP4box.js, MPEG, Geneva, Switzerland, October 2015, n° M37256 [PDF].

J. Le Feuvre and C. Concolato, DASH Editorial Clarifications, MPEG, Geneva, Switzerland, October 2015, n° M37321 [PDF].

C. Concolato, J. Le Feuvre, F. Denoual, F. Mazé, E. Nassor and N. Ouedraogo, Editorial changes to the Image File Format, MPEG, Warsaw, Poland, June 2015, n° m36556 [PDF].

C. Concolato, J. Le Feuvre, F. Denoual, F. Mazé, E. Nassor and N. Ouedraogo, Clarification on the use of HEVC BLA and CRA Pictures in MPEG File Formats, MPEG, Warsaw, Poland, June 2015, n° m36557 [PDF].

C. Concolato, J. Le Feuvre, F. Denoual, F. Mazé, E. Nassor and N. Ouedraogo, Fixing the oinf box in the Layered HEVC file format, MPEG, Warsaw, Poland, June 2015, n° m36558 [PDF].

C. Concolato, J. Le Feuvre, F. Denoual, F. Mazé, E. Nassor and N. Ouedraogo, Simpler signaling in the IFF, MPEG, Warsaw, Poland, June 2015, n° m36559 [PDF].

C. Concolato, J. Le Feuvre, F. Denoual, F. Mazé, E. Nassor and N. Ouedraogo, Simplifications of the L-HEVC File Format, MPEG, Warsaw, Poland, June 2015, n° m36560 [PDF].

C. Concolato, J. Le Feuvre, F. Denoual, F. Mazé and E. Nassor, Comparison of BPG and MPEG Image File Format, MPEG, Geneva, Switzerland, February 2015, n° M35840 [PDF].

C. Concolato, J. Le Feuvre, F. Denoual, F. Mazé and E. Nassor, DASH SubAssetIdentifiers and Sub-Representations, MPEG, Geneva, Switzerland, February 2015, n° M35843 [PDF].

C. Concolato, J. Le Feuvre, F. Denoual, F. Mazé and E. Nassor, Review of use cases on the Image File Format, MPEG, Geneva, Switzerland, February 2015, n° M35844 [PDF].

J. Le Feuvre, C. Concolato, F. Denoual, F. Mazé and E. Nassor, Clarification on Layered HEVC over MPEG-2 TS, MPEG, Geneva, Switzerland, February 2015, n° M35847 [PDF].

J. Le Feuvre, C. Concolato, F. Denoual, F. Mazé and E. Nassor, Clarification on Layered HEVC storage in ISOBMFF, MPEG, Geneva, Switzerland, February 2015, n° M35848 [PDF].

C. Concolato and J. Le Feuvre, Storage of WebVTT Thumbnail tracks in ISOBMFF, MPEG, Geneva, Switzerland, February 2015, n° M35849 [PDF].


B. Lund, A. Hinds and C. Concolato, Clarification of MPD to Initialization Segment and ContentComponent Use, MPEG, Strasbourg, France, October 2014, n° M34957 [PDF].

C. Concolato, F. Denoual, J. Le Feuvre, F. Mazé and E. Nassor, Clarifications on DASH EssentialProperty, MPEG, Strasbourg, France, October 2014, n° M35081 [PDF].

F. Denoual, F. Mazé, E. Nassor, C. Concolato and J. Le Feuvre, Image composition with HEVC Still Image, MPEG, Strasbourg, France, October 2014, n° M35083 [PDF].

C. Concolato, J. Le Feuvre, F. Denoual, F. Mazé and E. Nassor, Clarifications on DASH SubAssetIdentifier, MPEG, Strasbourg, France, October 2014, n° M35082 [PDF].

F. Denoual, F. Mazé, E. Nassor, C. Concolato and J. Le Feuvre, Conformance work for Associated Representations – 23009-1 AMD2, MPEG, Strasbourg, France, October 2014, n° M35084 [PDF].

F. Denoual, F. Mazé, E. Nassor, C. Concolato and J. Le Feuvre, Conformance work for Spatial Relationship Description – 23009-1 AMD2, MPEG, Strasbourg, France, October 2014, n° M35085 [PDF].

C. Concolato and J. Le Feuvre, Clarifications on ISOBMFF negative composition offsets, MPEG, Strasbourg, France, October 2014, n° M35087 [PDF].

C. Concolato and J. Le Feuvre, Proposed corrections on DASH, MPEG, Strasbourg, France, October 2014, n° M35088 [PDF].

C. Concolato and J. Le Feuvre, On DASH MPD and Segment Conformance, MPEG, Strasbourg, France, October 2014, n° M35089 [PDF].

C. Concolato and J. Le Feuvre, Clarification on fragment identifiers for ISOBMFF, MPEG, Strasbourg, France, October 2014, n° M35090 [PDF].

R. Bouqueau, C. Concolato and J. Le Feuvre, Clarification on carriage of TTML in ISOBMFF, MPEG, Strasbourg, France, October 2014, n° M35091 [PDF].

C. Concolato, J. Le Feuvre, F. Denoual, F. Mazé and E. Nassor, Identifying representations across periods in DASH, MPEG, Sapporo, Japan, July 2014, n° M34352 [PDF].

C. Concolato, J. Le Feuvre, F. Denoual, F. Mazé and E. Nassor, Clarifications on WD3 of Layered HEVC File Format, MPEG, Sapporo, Japan, July 2014, n° M34353 [PDF].

C. Concolato, J. Le Feuvre, F. Denoual, F. Mazé and E. Nassor, On HEVC Still Image File Format, MPEG, Sapporo, Japan, July 2014, n° M34354 [PDF].

J. Le Feuvre, C. Concolato, H. A. K. Ramasubramonian and Y.-K. Wang, On Layered-HEVC in MPEG-2 TS, MPEG, Sapporo, Japan, July 2014, n° M34355 [PDF].

C. Concolato, J. Le Feuvre, F. Denoual, F. Mazé and E. Nassor, Clarifications on association type signaling in DASH, MPEG, Sapporo, Japan, July 2014, n° M34356 [PDF].

C. Concolato, J. Le Feuvre, F. Denoual, F. Mazé and E. Nassor, Clarifications on MPEG DASH Conformance, MPEG, Sapporo, Japan, July 2014, n° M34357 [PDF].

C. Concolato and J. Le Feuvre, On Movie Fragment Relative Adressing, MPEG, Sapporo, Japan, July 2014, n° M34358 [PDF].

C. Concolato and J. Le Feuvre, Seamless Period Playback, MPEG, Sapporo, Japan, July 2014, n° M34359 [PDF].

J. Le Feuvre and C. Concolato, Defect Report on DASH 2nd Edition, MPEG, Sapporo, Japan, July 2014, n° M34447 [PDF].

E. Thomas, F. Denoual, F. Mazé, M. Hirabayashi and C. Concolato, Conformance work for Spatial Relationship Description – 23009-1 AMD2, MPEG, Sapporo, Japan, July 2014, n° M34246 [PDF].

C. Concolato and B. Lund, Mapping of DASH Role to HTML 5, MPEG, Valencia, Spain, April 2014, n° M33216 [PDF].

C. Concolato, J. Le Feuvre, F. Denoual, F. Mazé and E. Nassor, Comments on MPEG-DASH Amd.2, MPEG, Valencia, Spain, April 2014, n° M33208 [PDF].

C. Concolato, J. Le Feuvre, F. Denoual, F. Mazé and E. Nassor, Usage of DASH SRD for HEVC Tiling, MPEG, Valencia, Spain, April 2014, n° M33210 [PDF].

C. Concolato, J. Le Feuvre, F. Denoual, F. Mazé and E. Nassor, Dependency type signaling in DASH, MPEG, Valencia, Spain, April 2014, n° M33211 [PDF].

C. Concolato, S. Kervadec, F. Denoual, F. Mazé and E. Thomas, Analysis of Conformance Impacts and Workplan for Conformance and Reference Software for the WD of ISO/IEC 23009-1 Amd.2, MPEG, Valencia, Spain, April 2014, n° M33212 [PDF].

F. Mazé, F. Denoual, C. Concolato, J. Le Feuvre and M. Hirabayashi, Input Text for SRD in MPEG-DASH Part3 Amd.1, MPEG, Valencia, Spain, April 2014, n° M33214 [PDF].

C. Concolato and J. Le Feuvre, Relaxing Movie Fragment Sequence Number, MPEG, Valencia, Spain, April 2014, n° M33217 [PDF].

C. Concolato and J. Le Feuvre, MIME Type for Timed Text streams, MPEG, Valencia, Spain, April 2014, n° M33219 [PDF].

C. Concolato and J. Le Feuvre, Considerations for TEMI in ISOBMFF, MPEG, Valencia, Spain, April 2014, n° M33220 [PDF].

J. Le Feuvre, C. Concolato, F. Denoual, F. Mazé and E. Nassor, Storage of HEVC Tiled Images in the Image File Format, MPEG, Valencia, Spain, April 2014, n° M33221 [PDF].

J. Le Feuvre, C. Concolato, F. Denoual, F. Mazé and E. Nassor, Tile Information in ISOBMFF, MPEG, Valencia, Spain, April 2014, n° M33222 [PDF].

J. Le Feuvre, C. Concolato, M. Raulet and W. Hamidouche, It’s Hybrid Demo Time !, MPEG, Valencia, Spain, April 2014, n° M33383 [PDF].

X. Ducloux, P. Gendron, C. Concolato and J. Le Feuvre, Proposal of improvements to CD 23001-10, MPEG, Valencia, Spain, April 2014, n° M33185 [PDF].

J. Le Feuvre, C. Concolato, F. Denoual, F. Mazé and E. Nassor, Clarifications on HEVC Tile Tracks, MPEG, San Jose, California, January 2014, n° M32284 [PDF].

J. Le Feuvre, C. Concolato, F. Denoual, F. Mazé and E. Nassor, Multi-Layer HEVC and Tile Tracks, MPEG, San Jose, California, January 2014, n° M32285 [PDF].

J. Le Feuvre, C. Concolato, F. Denoual, F. Mazé and E. Nassor, Multi-Layer HEVC Dependencies, MPEG, San Jose, California, January 2014, n° M32286 [PDF].


J. Le Feuvre, C. Concolato, F. Denoual, F. Mazé and E. Nassor, Inputs for ISOBMFF PDAM3, MPEG, Genève, October 2013, n° M31436 [PDF].

J. Le Feuvre, C. Concolato, F. Denoual, F. Mazé and E. Nassor, Storage of Tiled HEVC Video, MPEG, Genève, October 2013, n° M31438 [PDF].

J. Le Feuvre, C. Concolato, F. Denoual, F. Mazé and E. Nassor, Inputs to WD of 14496-15 AMD2, MPEG, Genève, October 2013, n° M31439 [PDF].

J. Le Feuvre, C. Concolato, N. Ouedraogo, F. Denoual, F. Mazé and E. Nassor, On Independent HEVC Slices, MPEG, Genève, October 2013, n° M31442 [PDF].

D. Singer and C. Concolato, Error(s) in 14496-12/Amd.2, MPEG, Geneva, Switzerland, October 2013, n° M31431 [PDF].

J. Le Feuvre, C. Concolato, F. Denoual, F. Mazé and E. Nassor, Default Sample Group Descriptions in ISOBMFF, MPEG, Vienna, Austria, July 2013, n° M30292 [PDF].

J. Le Feuvre, C. Concolato, F. Denoual, F. Mazé and E. Nassor, Coding Dependencies Signaling in ISOBMFF, MPEG, Vienna, Austria, July 2013, n° M30293 [PDF].

J. Le Feuvre, C. Concolato, F. Denoual, F. Mazé and E. Nassor, Describing HEVC Tiles in ISOBMFF, MPEG, Vienna, Austria, July 2013, n° M30294 [PDF].

J. Le Feuvre and C. Concolato, On DASH Low Latency CE, MPEG, Vienna, Austria, July 2013, n° M30296 [PDF].

J. Le Feuvre and C. Concolato, GPAC Updates on DASH, MPEG, Vienna, Austria, July 2013, n° M30298 [PDF].

C. Concolato, Implementation Report of WebVTT support in ISOBMFF, MPEG, Vienna, Austria, July 2013, n° M30301 [PDF].

J. Le Feuvre, C. Concolato and M. Raulet, Clarifications on HEVC VCL NALU order, MPEG, Vienna, Austria, July 2013, n° M30303 [PDF].

C. Concolato, Codec Parameter for the MPEG DASH MIME Type, MPEG, Vienna, Austria, July 2013, n° M30295 [PDF].

J. Le Feuvre and C. Concolato, Variable Frame Rate in Movie Fragments, MPEG, Incheon, South Korea, April 2013, n° M29223 [PDF].

J. Le Feuvre, V. Levantovsky and C. Concolato, Font Data Tracks, MPEG, Incheon, South Korea, April 2013, n° M29226 [PDF].

J. Le Feuvre, C. Concolato, R. Monnier, A.-L. Mevel, P. Gendron, M. Mattavelli, C. Alberti, D. Renzi, F. Pescador, N. García and M. Raulet, Timeline Delivery for MPEG-2 TS enhancements, MPEG, Incheon, South Korea, April 2013, n° M29227 [PDF].

J. Le Feuvre and C. Concolato, GPAC Updates on ISOBMFF, MPEG, Incheon, South Korea, April 2013, n° M29230 [PDF].

C. Concolato and J. Le Feuvre, Editorial and technical comments on carriage of timed text and visual overlays in MP4, MPEG, Incheon, South Korea, April 2013, n° M29240 [PDF].

C. Concolato and J. Le Feuvre, Report on implementation of Media Source Extensions, MPEG, Incheon, South Korea, April 2013, n° M29408 [PDF].

J. Le Feuvre, C. Concolato, F. Denoual, F. Mazé, E. Nassor, N. Ouedraogo and H. Le Floch, Support for efficient tile access in the HEVC File Format, MPEG, Incheon, South Korea, April 2013, n° M29231 [PDF].

F. Denoual, F. Mazé, E. Nassor, C. Concolato and J. Le Feuvre, Interactive ROI streaming with DASH, MPEG, Incheon, South Korea, April 2013, n° M29232 [PDF].

J. Le Feuvre and C. Concolato, On Hybrid Delivery, MPEG, Geneva, Switzerland, January 2013, n° M28136 [PDF].

J. Le Feuvre and C. Concolato, On Low Latency live, MPEG, Geneva, Switzerland, January 2013, n° M28137 [PDF].

J. Le Feuvre and C. Concolato, Update on GPAC tools for DASH, MPEG, Geneva, Switzerland, January 2013, n° M28230 [PDF].


J. Le Feuvre and C. Concolato, On fragmentation of long-lasting samples, MPEG, Shanghai, China, October 2012, n° m26900 [PDF].

C. Concolato and J. Le Feuvre, Comments on Carriage of Timed Text, MPEG, Shanghai, China, October 2012, n° M26901 [PDF].

J. Le Feuvre and C. Concolato, Extensions for Hybrid Delivery using MPEG-2 TS and DASH, MPEG, Shanghai, China, October 2012, n° M26903 [PDF].

J. Le Feuvre and C. Concolato, Update on DASH Conformance Sequences, MPEG, Shanghai, China, October 2012, n° M26904 [PDF].

J. Le Feuvre and C. Concolato, Update on GPAC tools for DASH, MPEG, Shanghai, China, October 2012, n° M26905 [PDF].

C. Concolato and J. Le Feuvre, Demonstration of Live Streaming of Video and Subtitles with DASH, MPEG, Shanghai, China, October 2012, n° M26906 [PDF].

J. Le Feuvre and C. Concolato, Support for meta boxes in movie fragments, MPEG, Shanghai, China, October 2012, n° M26907 [PDF].

C. Concolato, FRNB comments on 23009-1:2012/AMD 1, MPEG, Shanghai, China, October 2012, n° M27241 [PDF].

C. Concolato and J. Le Feuvre, Comments on carriage of timed text, MPEG, Stockholm, Sweden, July 2012, n° M25978 [PDF].


C. Concolato, J. Le Feuvre and R. Bouqueau, Comments on DASH SoDIS, MPEG, Turin, July 2011, n° m20443.

J. Le Feuvre and C. Concolato, Editors input for text of PDAM8 of 13818-1, MPEG, Turin, July 2011, n° m21223.

J. Le Feuvre and C. Concolato, Clarifications for MPEG-4 over MPEG-2, MPEG, Geneva, Switzerland, March 2011, n° m20033.

C. Concolato, Proposal for DASH Conformance, MPEG, Geneva, Switzerland, March 2011, n° m20054.

C. Concolato, J. Le Feuvre and R. Bouqueau, Comments on DASH DIS, MPEG, Geneva, Switzerland, March 2011, n° m20055.

C. Concolato, J. Le Feuvre and R. Bouqueau, On MPEG-2 TS indexing with the sidx box, MPEG, Geneva, Switzerland, March 2011, n° m20056.

J. Le Feuvre, C. Concolato, J. C. Dufourd, K. Park and J. Song, MPEG-U Widget Manager Interoperability and Capabilities Exchange, MPEG, Daegu, South Korea, January 2011, n° m18944.

J. Le Feuvre and C. Concolato, Data Carousel in ISO Base Media File, MPEG, Daegu, South Korea, January 2011, n° m19394.

J. Le Feuvre, R. Bouqueau and C. Concolato, Backward Compatible usage of MPEG-4 Systems over MPEG-2 transport, MPEG, Daegu, South Korea, January 2011, n° m19395.

C. Concolato, J. Le Feuvre and R. Bouqueau, Usage of DASH in GPAC (demo), MPEG, Daegu, South Korea, January 2011, n° m19439 [PDF].


J. C. Dufourd, J. Le Feuvre, C. Concolato, K. Park and J. Song, Proposed amendment for MPEG-U widgets, MPEG, Guangzhou, October 2010, n° M18376.

C. Concolato, J. Le Feuvre and R. Bouqueau, Comments on DASH WD, MPEG, Guangzhou, October 2010, n° M18380.

C. Concolato, J. Le Feuvre and R. Bouqueau, Report on an Open Source implementation of MPEG-DASH, MPEG, October 2010, n° M18381.

C. Concolato, R. Bouqueau and J. Le Feuvre, Seamless switching for TS in DASH, MPEG, Guangzhou, October 2010, n° M18545.

J. C. Dufourd, J. Le Feuvre, C. Concolato, K. Park and J. Song, Proposed Text of ISO/IEC 23007-2 CD MPEG-U Conformance and Reference Software, MPEG, Geneva, Switzerland, July 2010, n° m17823.

C. Concolato, J. C. Dufourd, J. Le Feuvre, K. Park and J. Song, Proposed storyboard of MPEG-U promotional video, MPEG, Geneva, Switzerland, July 2010, n° m17834.

J. Le Feuvre, C. Concolato and J. C. Dufourd, FNB Comments on MPEG-U, MPEG, Dresden, Germany, April 2010, n° m17390.

J. Le Feuvre, C. Concolato, J. C. Dufourd, K. Park and J. Song, Proposed Text of Reference Software, MPEG, Dresden, Germany, April 2010, n° m17544.

J. C. Dufourd, J. Le Feuvre, C. Concolato, K. Park and J. Song, Proposed WD of MPEG-U Conformance, MPEG, Dresden, Germany, April 2010, n° m17546.

J. C. Dufourd, J. Le Feuvre, C. Concolato, K. Park and J. Song, Proposed storyboard of MPEG-U promotional video, MPEG, Dresden, Germany, April 2010, n° m17640.

C. Concolato and J. C. Dufourd, Various fixes on XMT-A schema, MPEG, Brisbane, Australia, March 2010, n° M10060 [PDF].

C. Concolato and K. Park, Comments on ISO/IEC 23007-1 FCD MPEG-U Widgets, MPEG, Kyoto, Japan, January 2010, n° m17210.

C. Concolato and K. Park, Proposal for updated text on ISO/IEC 23007-3 MPEG-U Conf. & Ref. Software, MPEG, Kyoto, Japan, January 2010, n° m17213.

C. Concolato and K. Park, Ideas on ISO/IEC 23007-1 MPEG-U Widgets Video., MPEG, Kyoto, Japan, January 2010, n° m17214.

N. Nguyen, C. Concolato, J. C. Dufourd, J. Le Feuvre, K. Park and J. Song, Proposed text for security section of MPEG-U specification, MPEG, Kyoto, Japan, January 2010, n° m17317.

C. Concolato and J. Le Feuvre, About MPEG-U and W3C, MPEG, Kyoto, Japan, January 2010, n° m17331.

J. Le Feuvre and C. Concolato, FRNB Comment on ISO/IEC 14496-11:2005 AMD7, MPEG, Kyoto, Japan, January 2010, n° m17348.


C. Concolato, Editor’s Text of 23007-1 MPEG-U Widget, MPEG, Xian, China, October 2009, n° m16847.

N. Nguyen, J. Song, K. Park, C. Concolato, J. C. Dufourd and J. Le Feuvre, Security requirements for MPEG-U, MPEG, Xian, China, October 2009, n° m16866.

N. Nguyen, K. Park, J. Song, C. Concolato, J. C. Dufourd and J. Le Feuvre, Text for security aspects of MPEG-U, MPEG, Xian, China, October 2009, n° m16867.

C. Concolato, J. C. Dufourd and J. Le Feuvre, Ideas on MPEG-U Reference Software, MPEG, Xian, China, October 2009, n° m17055.

J. Le Feuvre and C. Concolato, Requirements v4 for a new BIFS profile to support Interactive Digital Radio, MPEG, London, July 2009, n° N10856.

J. C. Dufourd, C. Concolato, J. Le Feuvre, K. Park, S. Hwang and J. Song, MPEG-U WD improvements and proposals, MPEG, London, United Kingdom, June 2009, n° M16578.

J. C. Dufourd, C. Concolato, J. Le Feuvre and B. Pellan, Response to the CfP on additional BIFS technologies for Interactive Services for Digital Radio, MPEG, London, United Kingdom, June 2009, n° M16637.

J. C. Dufourd, C. Concolato and J. Le Feuvre, Comments on WD] of 14496-1 PDAM4 MPEG-4 Registration Authority and systems extensions, MPEG, London, United Kingdom, June 2009, n° M16641.

J. C. Dufourd, C. Concolato and J. Le Feuvre, MPEG-U Howto, MPEG, London, United Kingdom, June 2009, n° M16644.

K. Park, C. Concolato, J. Le Feuvre and G. Cordara, Items under considerations in Rich UI Framework, MPEG, Lausanne, Suisse, February 2009, n° M16038.

J. Le Feuvre and C. Concolato, Comments on LASeR PDAM2, MPEG, Lausanne, Suisse, February 2009, n° M16085.

C. Concolato, J. Le Feuvre and B. Pellan, Comments on requirements for a new BIFS profile, MPEG, Lausanne, Suisse, February 2009, n° M16179.


S. Hwang, J. Song, C. Concolato, J. Le Feuvre and Y. Lim, Study Text for CD of 14496-20 AMD2, MPEG, Busan, Korea, October 2008, n° M15889.

S. Hwang, J. Song, C. Concolato, J. Le Feuvre and Y. Lim, Study Text for AdaptiveSceneIndicator of CD on 14496-20 AMD2, MPEG, Busan, Korea, October 2008, n° M15890.

S. Hwang, J. Song, C. Concolato, J. Le Feuvre and Y. Lim, Architecture for the MPEG UI Framework, MPEG, Busan, Korea, October 2008, n° M15892.

C. Concolato and J. Le Feuvre, Comments and proposal for LASeR Amendment 2 on Scene Adaptation, MPEG, Turin, Italie, September 2008, n° M15791.

C. Concolato and J. Le Feuvre, Comments on LASeR Amendment 3 on Presentation of Structured Information, MPEG, Turin, Italie, September 2008, n° M15792.

C. Concolato, J. Le Feuvre and K. Park, Comments on the Architecture of the MPEG Rich Media UI Framework, MPEG, Turin, Italie, September 2008, n° M15793.

K. Park, C. Concolato and J. Le Feuvre, Additional Use Cases for the MPEG UI Framework, MPEG, Hannovre, Allemagne, July 2008, n° m15601.

C. Concolato, J. Le Feuvre and K. Park, Analysis of MPEG-21 UED for Scene Personalization, MPEG, Hannovre, Allemagne, July 2008, n° m15602.

J. Le Feuvre, C. Concolato and K. Park, First Comments on the use of DCCI for MPEG UI Personalization, MPEG, Hannovre, Allemagne, July 2008, n° m15603.

C. Concolato, J. Le Feuvre and K. Park, Additional Thoughts about the MPEG User Interface Framework, MPEG, Hannovre, Allemagne, July 2008, n° m15604.

B. Pellan, Y.-K. Lim and C. Concolato, New BIFS Profile for Interactive Digital Radio, MPEG, Hannovre, Allemagne, July 2008, n° m15550.

C. Concolato, J. Le Feuvre and K. Park, Architecture for the MPEG UI Framework, MPEG, Paris, June 2008, n° M15521.

C. Concolato, J. Le Feuvre, K. Park, Y. Ryu, S. Cho and H. Park, Use cases and requirement for an MPEG User Interface Framework, MPEG, Archamps, France, April 2008, n° M15345.

K. Park, Y. Ryu, S. Cho, H. Park, C. Concolato and J. Le Feuvre, Use cases and Requirements for Personalized User Interfaces in LASeR and BIFS, MPEG, Archamps, France, April 2008, n° M15372.

K. Park, Y. Ryu, S. Cho, H. Park, C. Concolato and J. Le Feuvre, Requirements and Use Cases for BIFS/LASeR in the Home Environment, MPEG, Archamps, France, April 2008, n° M15373.

B. Pellan, Y.-K. Lim and C. Concolato, BIFS profiles and extensions for interactive digital radio and TV services, MPEG, Archamps, France, April 2008, n° M15436.


B. Jovanova, C. Concolato, J. Le Feuvre and M. Preda, Storage of XML documents and associated media resources in the ISO file format, MPEG, Shenzhen, October 2007, n° m14905.

J. Le Feuvre and C. Concolato, BIFS and LASeR harmonisation, MPEG, Lausanne, Suisse, June 2007, n° M14662.

C. Concolato and J. Le Feuvre, On LASeR Waiting Tree, MPEG, Hangzhou, September 2006, n° m13790.

J. Le Feuvre and C. Concolato, On LASeR Fraction events, MPEG, Hangzhou, September 2006, n° m13879.

J. C. Dufourd, N. Pierre, E. Le Coq, C. Concolato and J. Le Feuvre, Final word on the encoding of times in LASeR, MPEG, Hangzhou, September 2006, n° m13969.

C. Concolato and J. Le Feuvre, ISO File Format Conformance Sequences, MPEG, Klagenfurt, Austria, July 2006, n° M13678.

C. Concolato and J. Le Feuvre, On SAF global streams, MPEG, Hangzhou, June 2006, n° m13789.

C. Concolato and J. Le Feuvre, Proposed items for LASeR v2, MPEG, Montreux, Switzerland, June 2006, n° M13244.

C. Concolato and J. Le Feuvre, Items for Part 20 Corrigendum, MPEG, Montreux, Switzerland, April 2006, n° M13243.

C. Concolato and J. Le Feuvre, Request for clarifications on Font Data Streams, MPEG, Montreux, Switzerland, April 2006, n° M13242.

C. Concolato and J. Le Feuvre, Technical Analysis of the W3C SVG WG Liaison on LASeR, MPEG, Montreux, Switzerland, April 2006, n° M13232.

C. Concolato and J. Le Feuvre, Proposal for SAF and LASeR conformance, MPEG, Montreux, Switzerland, April 2006, n° M13235.

C. Concolato and J. Le Feuvre, Conformance streams for MPEG-4 ATG, MPEG, Montreux, Switzerland, April 2006, n° M13241.

C. Concolato and J. Le Feuvre, LASeR FDIS Editorial Issues, MPEG, Bangkok, Thailand, January 2006, n° M13018.

C. Concolato and J. Le Feuvre, MPEG-4 Terminal Architecture White Paper, MPEG, Nice, France, October 2005, n° M12651.

B. Pellan, C. Concolato, T. Demartini, C. Timmerer, T. Cong Thang, P. De Cuetos, M. Kimiaei-Asadi and E. Delfosse, Report of CE on Harmonisation of Conversion Tools, MPEG, Poznan, Poland, July 2005, n° M12191.

C. Concolato and J. Le Feuvre, Statistical analysis of LASeR conformance test and encoding comparisons, MPEG, Poznan, Poland, July 2005, n° M12408.

C. Concolato and J. Le Feuvre, Editorial and technical inputs for LASeR SoFCD, MPEG, Poznan, Poland, July 2005, n° M12340.

L. Zvi and C. Concolato, Proposal for a free-distribution MAF, MPEG, Poznan, Poland, July 2005, n° M12335.

B. Pellan, C. Concolato, T. Cong Thang, E. Delfosse, P. De Cuetos and M. Kimiaei-Asadi, Report of CE on the use of Adaptation QoS for Conversions, MPEG, Busan, Korea, April 2005, n° M11884.

C. Concolato, Usage of LASeR content in MPEG-4 Systems environments, MPEG, Busan, Korea, April 2005, n° M12069.

C. Concolato and P. De Cuetos, An implementation of the MPEG-21 File Format, MPEG, Busan, Korea, April 2005, n° M12067.

C. Concolato, P. De Cuetos, B. Pellan and M. Kimiaei-Asadi, ConversionLink, MPEG, Hong-Kong, China, January 2005, n° M11670.

P. De Cuetos, C. Concolato and J. C. Dufourd, Using BIFS updates for MELISA Sport Broadcasting System, MPEG, Hong-Kong, January 2005, n° M11671.

C. Concolato, Implementation of LASeR (and of SVG) in the open-source GPAC project, MPEG, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, October 2004, n° M11374 [PDF].

C. Concolato, Analysis of the study of CD of LASeR, MPEG, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, October 2004, n° M11375 [PDF].

J. C. Dufourd, O. Avaro and C. Concolato, Support of SVG1.2 in LASER, MPEG, Munich, Germany, March 2004, n° M10684 [PDF].

J. Le Feuvre, C. Concolato and J. C. Dufourd, Various enhancements for MPEG-4 Systems, MPEG, Waikoloa, Hawai, USA, December 2003, n° M10375 [PDF].

J. Le Feuvre, C. Concolato and J. C. Dufourd, Issues on externProto Coding, MPEG, Brisbane, Australia, October 2003, n° M10015 [PDF].

J. C. Dufourd, C. Concolato and J. Le Feuvre, A Simpler, Efficient Binary Encoding for MPEG-4 Scenes, MPEG, Brisbane, Australia, October 2003, n° M10097 [PDF].

J. C. Dufourd, C. Concolato and J. Le Feuvre, Requirements for a New Scene Description Format, MPEG, Brisbane, Australia, October 2003, n° M10110 [PDF].

J. Le Feuvre, C. Concolato and J. C. Dufourd, Corrections to the BIFS ATG Extensions, MPEG, Trondheim, Norway, July 2003, n° M9753 [PDF].

J. Le Feuvre, C. Concolato and J. C. Dufourd, Osmo4-GPAC: description and demonstration, MPEG, Trondheim, Norway, July 2003, n° M9786 [PDF].

C. Concolato, J. Le Feuvre and J. C. Dufourd, Comments on ATG extensions and Implementation status, MPEG, Pattaya, Thaïland, March 2003, n° M9407 [PDF].

S. Birman, E. Spiegel, A. Cotarmanac’h and C. Concolato, Report on Synthesized Texture CE, MPEG, Pattaya, Thaïland, March 2003, n° M9478 [PDF].

C. Concolato, J. Le Feuvre and J. C. Dufourd, Request for a fix of the gradient nodes, MPEG, Awaji island, Japan, December 2002, n° M9156.

C. Concolato, J. Le Feuvre and J. C. Dufourd, Improvements for WD 2.0 on ATG, MPEG, Awaji island, Japan, December 2002, n° M9234.

S. Birman, E. Spiegel, A. Cotarmanac’h and C. Concolato, Report on SynthesizedTexture CE , MPEG, Awaji island, Japan, December 2002, n° M9237.

C. Concolato, J. Le Feuvre and J. C. Dufourd, Demonstration of Advanced Graphical BIFS content, MPEG, Awaji island, Japan, December 2002, n° M9248.

C. Concolato and J. C. Dufourd, Proposal to improve the MediaControl node, MPEG, Awaji island, Japan, December 2002, n° M9337.

C. Concolato, J. C. Dufourd and J. Le Feuvre, Improvements for WD 1.0 on ATG, MPEG, Shangai, China, October 2002, n° M8929 [PDF].

C. Concolato, J. C. Dufourd and J. Le Feuvre, Analysis of the streaming text requirements, MPEG, Shangai, China, October 2002, n° M8931 [PDF].

J. Le Feuvre, C. Concolato and J. C. Dufourd, MPEG-4 Systems Reference Software updates, MPEG, Shangai, China, October 2002, n° M8932 [PDF].

C. Concolato and J. C. Dufourd, Proposition of Test Set for the Core Experiment on Streaming Text, MPEG, Shangai, China, October 2002, n° M8969 [PDF].

M. Preda, C. Concolato and F. Prêteux, XML representation for BBA, MPEG, Shangai, China, October 2002, n° M9015.

C. Concolato and J. C. Dufourd, Response to the CfP on Advanced Text and 2D Graphics, MPEG, Klagenfurt, Austria, July 2002, n° M8617 [PDF].

J. C. Dufourd and C. Concolato, Systems demonstration: more cartoons , MPEG, Klagenfurt, Austria, July 2002, n° M8619 [PDF].

C. Concolato and J. C. Dufourd, Comparison of the graphics tools of BIFS and SVG, MPEG, Fairfax, WA, USA, May 2002, n° M8353.

C. Concolato and J. C. Dufourd, Use of negative values for Transform2D.scale, MPEG, Fairfax, WA, USA, May 2002, n° M8429.

C. Concolato, Comparison of the graphics tools of BIFS and SVG, MPEG, Jeju, Korea, March 2002, n° M8029.

C. Concolato and J. C. Dufourd, Minor changes to InputSensor and mapping of KeySensor/StringSensor, MPEG, Pattaya, Thaïland, December 2001, n° M7600.

J. C. Dufourd, C. Concolato, F. Prêteux and M. Preda, An extensible, generic, low-cost architecture for user interaction, MPEG, Pisa, Italy, January 2001, n° M6811.

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