Category Archives: DASH

Adaptive streaming techniques for responsive images

Responsive image is a term in the Web world corresponding to the techniques involved when an author wants its website to be rendered with the right image for the right client given its viewing condition (screen size, pixel density, network, …). This technique falls, from a research point of view, in the broad category of media adaptation techniques to the user’s context. To me, at first sight, the problem seemed a no-brainer as it has been solved several times, including in the web world for video streaming with the recent approaches of adaptive streaming such as DASH. Naively I thought the same techniques could be used. However, after attending some meetings, including this week’s meetup, it appears that the environment constraints are such that the problem is not so simple to solve. In this post, I want to highlight the differences and give an example of how DASH manifest could be used for responsive images (I’m not really proposing it though). Continue reading Adaptive streaming techniques for responsive images

WebVTT, MP4 files, DASH and GPAC

In a previous post, I described how to package and manipulate WebVTT content in MP4 files according to the latest ISO standard using MP4Box. Basic import of WebVTT or SRT file is as follows:

MP4Box -add file1.vtt:lang=en subtitle1.mp4


MP4Box -add subtitle2.mp4

and then, the basic usage to create DASH subtitle segments of 10 seconds:

MP4Box -dash 10000 subtitle.mp4:role=subtitle video.mp4

It is now possible to play these MP4 files with the GPAC players (on all supported platforms: Win, Mac, Linux, Android, iOS). So, try it out and let me know if it has bugs. You can for instance test this file or its DASH version.


This post describes some details on how the rendering was achieved.

[slideshare id=24802693&doc=m30301-reportonwebvttimplementation-130731093103-phpapp01]

Continue reading WebVTT, MP4 files, DASH and GPAC

Live streaming over HTTP of video and subtitles (cont’d)

Here are the slides describing the demo I gave during the ACM MMSys 2013 conference, in Oslo, February 2013. It is an update of the demo I gave during the MPEG meeting in Shanghai, October 2012. Source code should be published soon in GPAC and if I can, I’ll set up a running live server (or, if not possible, I’ll put a video of the demo). Stay tuned.

[slideshare id=16861694&doc=mmsys-2013-demo-130301085551-phpapp01]

and the paper:


Towards Hybrid IP-based and MPEG-2 TS non-IP-based synchronized delivery of media streams

Hi all,

With some delay, I’ve put the slides that we presented at MPEG in October 2012, on how to extend MPEG-2 TS and MPEG-DASH to support synchronized playback of streams coming from IP based networks and from MPEG-2 TS based (non-IP) networks. The contribution is here:


and the slides here:

[slideshare id=16005665&doc=m26903-hybriddeliveryts-130115093207-phpapp02]

Live streaming of video and subtitles using DASH

This post contains the presentation made at the MPEG meeting in Shanghai, China, in October 2012, related to the input contribution M26906. The presentation gives the details about the demonstration made during the meeting. This demonstration showed the use of the Google Chrome browser to display synchronized video and subtitles, using the Media Source Extension draft specification and the WebVTT subtitle format. The video and DASH content was prepared using GPAC MP4Box tool.

[slideshare id=15636451&doc=m26906-livestreamingofvideoandsubtitleswithdash-121214045244-phpapp01]

Carriage of synchronized graphics and text in MP4 files

Following my previous post on the synchronization of HTML 5 video and SVG content, we are now proposing a contribution to MPEG, for the upcoming meeting in Stockholm. This work is part of the activity on timed text (subtitling, caption …). We propose to store frame-based SVG, WebVTT, HTML … content as a particular timed metadata track. We take special care of secondary resources, i.e. resources pointed to by the SVG, HTML … The goal is to be able to use SVG, WebVTT or HTML timed tracks in Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP. Continue reading Carriage of synchronized graphics and text in MP4 files