Tag Archives: 3D

SVG Folded Maps in 3D environments

Some time ago, Erik Dahlström made an SVG version of a folded Google Map. That map uses images, masks and clippers to produce a 3D effect. It is adapted from an HTML/CSS/SVG folded map. I found both pretty cool but I thought I could make another interesting version using 3D tools. Here it is. It’s a mix of 3D shapes onto which I map an SVG content retrieved from OpenStreeetMap. Unfortunately, there’s no shading but interestingly the map folds/unfolds with animations. It’s written in VRML/MPEG-4 BIFS textual language. I guess it could easily be made with WebGL as well (and has been done in a very nice demo by Adobe with CSS Shaders). It works only in GPAC but you can see a resulting video here:
