Tag Archives: video

HTML 5 Media Source Extensions in SVG

In a previous post, I described a bit the support in GPAC for the HTML 5 video and audio elements in SVG documents. My initial idea was to be able to play, with the Media Source Extensions API, adaptive streaming content (such as DASH) in SVG. So I started implementing MSE and it is now possible to play DASH content within an SVG presentation using GPAC. This post details how it was implemented. Continue reading HTML 5 Media Source Extensions in SVG

Playing SVG content in HTML5 video elements

Updated June, 4th 2013 following the SVG F2F meeting

I’ve been advocating for a while now for SVG to be treated as a first class citizen on the Web. One aspect where it’s still not the case, in my opinion, is in the handling of animated SVG. To me, it should be possible to view and stream animated graphics in the same way as a video, ie. you should be able to write:

<video controls width="640" height="480">
  <source src="myAnimatedFile.svg" type='image/svg+xml' />

and be able to play, pause, seek in the SVG content just like you would in a video. So, I’ve started tweaking a JavaScript HTML 5 video player for that. I’ve used Video.js. The result is demonstrated below and the code on GitHub. It is still ongoing work but you should already be able to select a cartoon, play it, pause it, seek while playing or while paused. This post discusses below the results and problems I had.

Continue reading Playing SVG content in HTML5 video elements

HTML 5 media elements in SVG documents

As a follow-up of the work I did some time ago on the implementation of SVG Tiny 1.2 in GPAC (see this paper), and following the SVG WG decision to adopt the HTML 5 media elements in SVG 2.0, I decided to implement some support for these elements in GPAC, to better understand the differences between the old SVG Tiny 1.2 <video> element and the HTML 5 <video> element. As a result you can now run for example the following markup in GPAC:

     function init() {
       var v = document.getElementById("v");
       v.src = "video.mp4";

Continue reading HTML 5 media elements in SVG documents

HTML 5 Video and SVG Graphics Synchronization

My experience with multimedia standards, such as MPEG-4 BIFS, made me used to very good synchronization between video streams and graphics. So I wanted to check that the same was possible with web technologies, in particular with the plugin-less HTML5. To be more precise, I would like to display graphics on top of a video in a synchronized manner, with frame accuracy. The synchronization should be preserved when: playing, at different speed; paused; seeked; when the video stalls, …. I investigated several options and present some of the results. Continue reading HTML 5 Video and SVG Graphics Synchronization