Adaptive streaming techniques for responsive images

Responsive image is a term in the Web world corresponding to the techniques involved when an author wants its website to be rendered with the right image for the right client given its viewing condition (screen size, pixel density, network, …). This technique falls, from a research point of view, in the broad category of media adaptation techniques to the user’s context. To me, at first sight, the problem seemed a no-brainer as it has been solved several times, including in the web world for video streaming with the recent approaches of adaptive streaming such as DASH. Naively I thought the same techniques could be used. However, after attending some meetings, including this week’s meetup, it appears that the environment constraints are such that the problem is not so simple to solve. In this post, I want to highlight the differences and give an example of how DASH manifest could be used for responsive images (I’m not really proposing it though). Continue reading Adaptive streaming techniques for responsive images