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Welcome to my professionnal home page !
I’m Associate Professor, in the Multimedia Group at Telecom ParisTech, the leading graduate engineering school in Telecommunications in France.
My activities include teaching multimedia technologies (coding, streaming, broadcasting, web) to master students and during life-long learning sessions. But, most of my time is dedicated to doing research, software development and project managment. My research topics are:
- Mutlimedia streaming for the Web, the TV world, the home network or the mobile world;
- Vector graphics and Multimedia Scene Description: this is the continuation of my Ph.D. thesis (available in French). I deal with the representation of multimedia scenes, the compression, the delivery and the rendering.
You can find a list of publications here.
I’m deeply involved in the development of the Open Source project called GPAC, namely for the support of W3C technologies (HTML5, SVG, Widgets), of MPEG technologies (ISO File Format, MPEG-2 TS, MPEG-DASH, MPEG-4 BIFS, MPEG-U) and of 3GPP technologies (DIMS).
You can contact me if you have any question on my activities.