Dear followers,
Last week, while teaching a course on interactive multimedia applications at Klagenfurt University, Austria, I gave a talk about the upcoming SVG 2 standard and about my research work in this area. You can find below the slides of this presentation:
[slideshare id=15641011&doc=2012-klagenfurt-researchtalk-121214112913-phpapp02]
This post contains the presentation made at the MPEG meeting in Shanghai, China, in October 2012, related to the input contribution M26906. The presentation gives the details about the demonstration made during the meeting. This demonstration showed the use of the Google Chrome browser to display synchronized video and subtitles, using the Media Source Extension draft specification and the WebVTT subtitle format. The video and DASH content was prepared using GPAC MP4Box tool.
[slideshare id=15636451&doc=m26906-livestreamingofvideoandsubtitleswithdash-121214045244-phpapp01]
Following my previous post on the synchronization of HTML 5 video and SVG content, we are now proposing a contribution to MPEG, for the upcoming meeting in Stockholm. This work is part of the activity on timed text (subtitling, caption …). We propose to store frame-based SVG, WebVTT, HTML … content as a particular timed metadata track. We take special care of secondary resources, i.e. resources pointed to by the SVG, HTML … The goal is to be able to use SVG, WebVTT or HTML timed tracks in Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP. Continue reading Carriage of synchronized graphics and text in MP4 files →
Yesterday, I gave a seminar on some of the challenges of the new HTTP streaming approaches. I attach here my slides:Journée Recherche TSI – Streaming. Comments are welcome.
For people interested in Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP and/or interested in Rich Media Technologies, the paper that we published in the Multimedia Systems Conference (MMSys’11) is now published. Continue reading Usages of DASH for Rich Media Services →
Groupe Multimédia / Multimedia Group